HxS Objects

This sections describes the fundamental HxS objects, the meaning of their properties.

The HxS language defines several objects that are used to describe hardware and software interfaces. The following sections explain the significance of these objects and detail their properties.


An HxS file may contain one or more namespaces. Specifying a namespace for HxS objects is mandatory to ensure they are uniquely identifiable. A namespace is created as follows:


namespace Eccelerators.HxS.Docs { }

Namespaces do not have any properties. They exist solely to group HxS objects and make them uniquely identifiable. HxS objects can also be imported from other namespaces using the use keyword.


use Eccelerators.HxS.Docs.*;


A hardware/software interface description in HxS always starts with an interface object. If no interface object exists in an HxS file, nothing will be generated. The interface object is the top-most object describing a hardware/software interface. An HxS file can have none, one, or multiple interface objects as needed. Below is an example of an interface object, which includes a Name and Description property:


namespace Eccelerators.HxS.Docs
    interface ExampleInterface
        Name = "Single-line hardware/software interface title";
        Description = "
            Multi-line description of the hardware/software interface
            that appears in the documentation.

The interface object has the following properties. NOTE: All properties are optional. Default values will be used if not set explicitly.

Property Name Description Type Default Value
Name The name of the HW / SW interface. String Empty String
Description A description of the HW / SW interface. String Empty String
BusDescription A description of the HW / SW bus interface. String Empty String
BusType Determines the type of HW / SW bus interface.
  • Avalon
  • AXI4Lite
  • Wishbone (Default)
BusType BusType.Wishbone
AddressBusWidth The size in bits of the address bus. It has a minimum value of 2 bits and is calculated, if not explicitly set. Number 2
DataBusWidth The size in bits of the data bus. Number 32
Blocks A list of logical blocks that are provided by the HW / SW interface. List / Dictionary Empty List
Version Version information (e.g. v1, 0.0.1) String Empty String


A block is used to logically separate functionality of the hardware / software interface. An interface is the top-most object and has a list of one or more blocks (e.g., in a communication interface there could be a UART block, a SPI block and an I2C block).


namespace Eccelerators.HxS.Docs
    interface ExampleInterface
        Name = "Example Interface";
        Description = "This is an interface describing a single block.";
        Blocks = [ExampleBlock];

    block ExampleBlock
        Name = "Example Block";
        Description = "
            This is an example of a logical block. A logical block
            is a design tool to keep related functionality together
            and likewise to separate unrelated functionality.

This is the list of properties of a block object. NOTE: All properties are optional. Default values will be used if not set explicitly.

Property Name Description Type Default Value
Name The name of the block. String Empty String
Description A description of the block. String Empty String
BaseAddress Base address of the block. Number 0x0
Alignment Address alignment of the block in bytes. Is calculated (i.e., Interface.DataBusWidth / 8), if not explicitly set. Number 4
Size Size of the block in bytes. Is calculated using the size of this block's registers, if not explicitly set. Number 0x0
Registers A list of register or delegate objects. List / Dictionary Empty List
Selects A list of selects used by the block.

Depending on its definition, a select listed here determines if an entire block is present when accessed by read, write, or both. If any of the selects in the list are active for the respective access, the block responds.

This allows multiple blocks with the same base address and size to be present and distinguished, enabling functionalities such as "Paging" for blocks. If none is selected the bus monitor will produce an unoccupied error.
List Empty List
Version Version information (e.g. v1, 0.0.1) String Empty String


The register object is used to describe registers. In order to be part of a hardware/software interface, the register object must be specified in the list of registers of a block.


namespace Eccelerators.HxS.Docs
    interface ExampleInterface
        Name = "Example Interface";
        Description = "
            This is an interface describing a single block and a
            single register.
        Blocks = [ExampleBlock];

    block ExampleBlock
        Name = "Example Block";
        Description = "This a block describing a single register.";
        Registers = [ExampleRegister];

    register ExampleRegister
        Name = "Example Register";
        Description = "
            This is an example of a register using default values
            for missing properties making it a 8-Bit read-/writable
            register. It is notable that by default no bits are
            defined, meaning the register address can be read and
            written, but it will not have any effect.
        Width = 8;

The register object has the following properties. NOTE: All properties are optional. Default values will be used if not set explicitly.

Property Name Description Type Default Value
Name The name of the register. String Empty String
Description A description of the register. String Empty String
Width Register width in Bits. Is calculated using the register's fields, if not specified. Number 0
Offset Offset relative to the register's parent block base address. Number 0x0
Address The sum of the register's parent block base address and register offset. The address is calculated, if not specified. Number 0x0
Async Specifies whether the generated register hardware user interface is connected to user logic that operates synchronously with the bus clock or with an additional asynchronous clock. Boolean False
WriteRegisterPulse Provides a pulse to the user logic after a register has been written by software. The hardware user can further process the data of registered bitfileds using this pulse. For transparent registers this pulse may be used as well to get a further pulse exactly one clock after the WriteTransparentPulse. Boolean False
WriteTransparentPulse Provides a pulse to the user logic when an actual write to a register occurs by software. For transparent bitfields, their written data can only be captured by the user logic with this pulse.

For registered bitfields, this pulse always occurs exactly one clock cycle before the WriteRegisterPulse and may be used by the user logic to detect an upcoming write.
Boolean False
ReadTransparentPulse Provides a pulse to the user logic when an actual read from a register occurs by software. The hardware user logic can utilize this pulse to ensure that the data presented during this clock period is exactly what is read by the software and to be aware that the register has been read. Boolean False
Bits A list of data, enum or reserved objects. List / Dictionary Empty List
Order Determines the order of bits; MSB or LSB. BitOrder BitOrder.MSB
AsyncClk Name of the asynchronuous clock signal. Only relevant if register is asynchronous. String "AsyncClk"
AsyncRst Name of the asynchronuous reset signal. Only relevant if register is asynchronous. String "AsyncRst"
ReadAckDelay Specifies the number of bus clocks until read data is presented by the asynchronous part of a register. By default, the asynchronous part signals this to the synchronous part, which results in a slower operation and blocking until the bus monitor closes a cycle if the asynchronous clock is not running for some reason.

Only relevant if register is asynchronous.
Number 0
WriteAckDelay Specifies the number of bus clocks until write data is fetched by the asynchronous part of a register. By default, the asynchronous part signals this to the synchronous part, which results in a slower operation and blocking until the bus monitor closes a cycle if the asynchronous clock is not running for some reason.

Only relevant if register is asynchronous.
Number 0
ReadExternalAck Determines whether the register provides an external acknowledge signal for read accesses to the hardware user logic. The user logic may block a read access until it is able to present data. The maximum time allowed for blocking is determined by the bus monitor. Boolean False
WriteExternalAck Determines whether the register provides an external acknowledge signal for write accesses to the hardware user logic. The user logic may block a write access until it is able to fetch data. The maximum time allowed for blocking is determined by the bus monitor. Boolean False
Selects A list of selects used by the register.

Depending on its definition, a select listed here determines if a register is present when accessed by read, write, or both. If any of the selects in the list are active for the respective access, the register responds.

This allows multiple registers with the same offset and size to be present and distinguished, enabling functionalities such as multiple registers at the same offset or different registers for read and write at the same offset. If none is selected the bus monitor will produce an unoccupied error.
List Empty List
Version Version information (e.g. v1, 0.0.1) String Empty String


The delegate object is used to describe areas that are delegated through the bus interface. To be part of a hardware/software interface, the delegate object must be specified in the list of registers of a block. This allows the user to obtain a sub-bus interface of the same type as the parent bus interface, for example, to connect further HxS-generated hardware/software interfaces or existing IPs.


namespace Eccelerators.HxS.Docs
    interface ExampleInterface
        Name = "Example Interface";
        Description = "This is an interface describing a single block.";
        Blocks = [ExampleBlock];

    block ExampleBlock
        Name = "Example Block";
        Description = "This a block describing a delegated address window.";
        Registers = [ExampleDelegate];

    delegate ExampleDelegate
        Name = "Example Delegate";
        Description = "
            The address window 0x0 - 0x100 is transparently routed
            through the bus. It is notable that the default value of
            offset is 0x0. The same applies to the base address of the
            block. Hence, the delegated address window starts at 0x0
            and is 0x100 Bytes wide.
        Size = 0x100;

The delegate object has the following properties. NOTE: All properties are optional. Default values will be used if not set explicitly.

Property Name Description Type Default Value
Name The name of the delegate. String Empty String
Description A description of the delegate. String Empty String
Offset Offset relative to the registers block base address. Number 0x0
Address Address of the delegated area. Is automatically calculated using the sum of the delegate's block base address and offset, if not specified. Number 0x0
Size Size in Bytes of the delegated area. Number 0x0
Selects A list of selects used by the delegate.

Depending on its definition, a select listed here determines if a delegate is present when accessed by read, write, or both. If any of the selects in the list are active for the respective access, the delegate responds.

This allows multiple delegates with the same offset and size to be present and distinguished, enabling functionalities such as multiple delegates at the same offset or delegates for read and write at the same offset. If none is selected the bus monitor will produce an unoccupied error.
List Empty List
Version Version information (e.g. v1, 0.0.1) String Empty String


A data object represents one or more bits of a register that are used to access arbitrary data (e.g., read the count of a counter or load a counter with a value).


namespace Eccelerators.HxS.Docs
    interface ExampleInterface
        Name = "Example Interface";
        Description = "
            This is an interface describing a single block and a
            single register.
        Blocks = [ExampleBlock];

    block ExampleBlock
        Name = "Example Block";
        Description = "This a block describing a single register.";
        Registers = [ExampleRegister];

    register ExampleRegister
        Name = "Example Register";
        Description = "
            This is an example of a register that has a single
            data bit field. In this case the data bit field
            determines the register's size and makes it a
            readable and writable register.
        Bits = [ExampleDataBitField];

    data ExampleDataBitField
        Name = "Example Data Bit Field";
        Description = "A 8-Bit wide readable and writeable data bit field.";
        Behaviour = BitBehaviour.Register;
        Width = 8;

The data object has the following properties. NOTE: All properties are optional. Default values will be used if not set explicitly.

Property Name Description Type Default Value
Name The name of the data field. String Empty String
Description A description of the data field. String Empty String
  • Register (Default)
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored and presented to the hardware user logic. The stored data is read when reading the register.
  • Transparent
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is presented transparently to the hardware user logic and can only be processed using a WriteTransparentPulse. Read data is taken from the user interface as it is presented. The ReadTransparentPulse can be used to know when the data is fetched by the hardware/software interface.
  • Loopback
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored, but not presented to the hardware user logic. The stored data is read when reading the register.
  • Constant
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is read-only, providing a value set at design time.
  • ReadTransparent
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is read-only and that read data is taken from the user interface as it is presented. The ReadTransparentPulse can be used to know when the data is fetched by the hardware/software interface.
  • WriteTransparent
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is write-only and that written data to the bit or bitfield is presented transparently to the hardware user logic and can only be processed using a WriteTransparentPulse.
  • WriteRegister
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is write-only and that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored and presented to the hardware user logic.
  • ReadTransparentWriteRegister
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored and presented to the hardware user logic and that read data is taken from the user interface as it is presented. The ReadTransparentPulse can be used to know when the data is fetched by the hardware/software interface.
BitBehaviour BitBehaviour.Register
Order Determines the order of bits; MSB or LSB. If not set, uses the bit order of its corresponding register object. BitOrder Register.Order
Position Specifies the position of the data field in the register's Bits property. If no position is given, it is calculated using its predecessors. Number 0
Width Width in Bits Number 0
Values A list or dictionary of bit values.

Values in data bitfields generally behave differently than in enum bitfields. They are concatenated to present one and only one entry for the data bitfield rather than multiple alternative complete entries for an enum bitfield. Thus, if more than one value is specified, each of their widths must be less than the data bitfield width.

If no explicit reset is specified for the bitfield, this combined value determines the value to which the bitfield is set upon bus reset by default.

Furthermore, this combined value can be annotated by vhdl.use_generic to be a generic at the HDL entity.
List / Dictionary Empty List
Resets A list of reset objects used to reset a data object's bit field.

The first reset in the list determines the bus reset. The reset value given with this reset is the value set by the bus reset.
A developer might refer to an own reset object or make use of an existing one. The following library objects are provided by the HxS Base Library:

  • BusReset.None - Bit field is not affected by bus reset
  • BusReset.Sync - Bit field is affected by synchronous bus reset
  • BusReset.Async - Bit field is affected by asynchronous bus reset
Any reset specified in addition to the bus reset creates a new reset (e.g., to be used as as soft reset) that has its own reset signal at the bus interface. As with the bus reset, a new reset can be synchronous or asynchronous and set different reset values for the bit field.

If the list is empty, an asynchronous bus reset is used to set the value of the bit field to zero.

Note: A data object's Values property overrides the bus reset value.

List Empty List
Version Version information (e.g. v1, 0.0.1) String Empty String


The enum object represents a predefined set of bits of a register object.


namespace Eccelerators.HxS.Docs
    interface ExampleInterface
        Name = "Example Interface";
        Description = "
            This is an interface describing a single block and a
            single register.
        Blocks = [ExampleBlock];

    block ExampleBlock
        Name = "Example Block";
        Description = "This is a block describing a single register.";
        Registers = [ExampleRegister];

    register ExampleRegister
        Name = "Example Register";
        Description = "
            This is an example of a register that has a single
            enum bit field. It is a readable and writeable
            register describing predefined bit values. The size
            of the register is determined by the size of the enum
            bit field.
        Bits = [ExampleEnumBitField];

    enum ExampleEnumBitField
        Name = "Example Enum Bit Field";
        Description = "
            A 1-Bit wide readable and writeable enum bit field
            predefining the values and signal names for on and
        Values = {
            0b0: "Off",
            0b1: "On"

The enum object has the following properties. NOTE: All properties are optional. Default values will be used if not set explicitly.

Property Name Description Type Default Value
Name The name of the enum field. String Empty String
Description A description of the enum field. String Empty String
  • Register (Default)
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored and presented to the hardware user logic. The stored data is read when reading the register.
  • Transparent
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is presented transparently to the hardware user logic and can only be processed using a WriteTransparentPulse. Read data is taken from the user interface as it is presented. The ReadTransparentPulse can be used to know when the data is fetched by the hardware/software interface.
  • Loopback
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored, but not presented to the hardware user logic. The stored data is read when reading the register.
  • Constant
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is read-only, providing a value set at design time.
  • ReadTransparent
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is read-only and that read data is taken from the user interface as it is presented. The ReadTransparentPulse can be used to know when the data is fetched by the hardware/software interface.
  • WriteTransparent
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is write-only and that written data to the bit or bitfield is presented transparently to the hardware user logic and can only be processed using a WriteTransparentPulse.
  • WriteRegister
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is write-only and that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored and presented to the hardware user logic.
  • ReadTransparentWriteRegister
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored and presented to the hardware user logic and that read data is taken from the user interface as it is presented. The ReadTransparentPulse can be used to know when the data is fetched by the hardware/software interface.
BitBehaviour BitBehaviour.Register
Order Determines the order of bits; MSB or LSB. If not set, uses the bit order of its corresponding register object. BitOrder Register.Order
Position Specifies the position of the data field in the register's Bits property. If no position is given, it is calculated using its predecessors. Number 0
Width Width in Bits Number 0
Values A list or dictionary of bit values.

Values in enum bitfields present multiple alternative complete entries for an enum bitfield. Thus, their width must be exactly the enum bitfield width.

The first value in the list determines the default value, which is used if it is not overridden by a reset signal.
List / Dictionary Empty List
Resets A list of reset objects used to reset an enum object's bit field.

The first reset in the list determines the bus reset. The reset value given with this reset is the value set by the bus reset.
A developer might refer to an own reset object or make use of an existing one. The following library objects are provided by the HxS Base Library:

  • BusReset.None - Bit field is not affected by bus reset
  • BusReset.Sync - Bit field is affected by synchronous bus reset
  • BusReset.Async - Bit field is affected by asynchronous bus reset
Any reset specified in addition to the bus reset creates a new reset (e.g., to be used as a soft reset) that has its own reset signal at the bus interface. As with the bus reset, a new reset can be synchronous or asynchronous and set different reset values for the bit field.

If the list is empty, an asynchronous bus reset is used to set the value of the bit field to zero.

Note: A enum object's Values property overrides the bus reset value.

List Empty List
Version Version information (e.g. v1, 0.0.1) String Empty String


The reserved object represents one or more reserved bits of a register.


namespace Eccelerators.HxS.Docs
    interface ExampleInterface
        Name = "Example Interface";
        Description = "
            This is an interface describing a single block and a
            single register.
        Blocks = [ExampleBlock];

    block ExampleBlock
        Name = "Example Block";
        Description = "This is a block describing a single register.";
        Registers = [ExampleRegister];

    register ExampleRegister
        Name = "";
        Description = "
            This is an example of a register that has a single
            reserved bit field. In this case the reserved bit
            field determines the register's size and makes it a
            readable and writable register.
        Bits = [ExampleReservedBitField];

    reserved ExampleReservedBitField
        Name = "Example Reserved Bit Field";
        Description = "A 8-Bit wide readable and writeable reserved bit field.";
        Behaviour = BitBehaviour.Register;
        Width = 8;

The reserved object has the following properties. NOTE: All properties are optional. Default values will be used if not set explicitly.

Property Name Description Type Default Value
Name The name of the reserved field. String Empty String
Description A description of the reserved field. String Empty String
  • Register (Default)
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored and presented to the hardware user logic. The stored data is read when reading the register.
  • Transparent
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is presented transparently to the hardware user logic and can only be processed using a WriteTransparentPulse. Read data is taken from the user interface as it is presented. The ReadTransparentPulse can be used to know when the data is fetched by the hardware/software interface.
  • Loopback
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored, but not presented to the hardware user logic. The stored data is read when reading the register.
  • Constant
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is read-only, providing a value set at design time.
  • ReadTransparent
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is read-only and that read data is taken from the user interface as it is presented. The ReadTransparentPulse can be used to know when the data is fetched by the hardware/software interface.
  • WriteTransparent
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is write-only and that written data to the bit or bitfield is presented transparently to the hardware user logic and can only be processed using a WriteTransparentPulse.
  • WriteRegister
    Specifies that the bit or bitfield is write-only and that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored and presented to the hardware user logic.
  • ReadTransparentWriteRegister
    Specifies that written data to the bit or bitfield is stored and presented to the hardware user logic and that read data is taken from the user interface as it is presented. The ReadTransparentPulse can be used to know when the data is fetched by the hardware/software interface.
BitBehaviour BitBehaviour.Register
Order Determines the order of bits; MSB or LSB. If not set, uses the bit order of its corresponding register object. BitOrder Register.Order
Position Specifies the position of the reserved field in the register's Bits property. If no position is given, it is calculated using its predecessors. Number 0
Width Width in Bits. Number 0
Resets A list of reset objects.

It's important to note that resets do not affect the behaviour of a reserved object.
List Empty List
Version Version information (e.g. v1, 0.0.1) String Empty String


The value object is used to describe a value of an enum object more specifically.


namespace Eccelerators.HxS.Docs
    interface ExampleInterface
        Name = "Example Interface";
        Description = "
            This is an interface describing a single block and a
            single register.
        Blocks = [ExampleBlock];

    block ExampleBlock
        Name = "Example Block";
        Description = "This is a block describing a single register.";
        Registers = [ExampleRegister];

    register ExampleRegister
        Name = "Example Register";
        Description = "
            This is an example of a register that has a single
            enum bit field. It is a readable and writeable
            register describing predefined bit values. The size
            of the register is determined by the size of the enum
            bit field.
        Bits = [ExampleEnumBitField];

    enum ExampleEnumBitField
        Name = "Example Enum Bit Field";
        Description = "
            A 1-Bit wide readable and writeable enum bit field
            predefining the values and signal names for on and
            off. The values for on and off are reference to a
            value object that enables more precise description
            of that value.
        Values = {
            0b0: ExampleValueOff,
            0b1: ExampleValueOn

    value ExampleValueOff
        Name = "Example Value Off";
        Description = "This value describes signal off.";
        Value = 0b0;

    value ExampleValueOn
        Name = "Example Value On";
        Description = "This value describes signal on.";
        Value = 0b1;

The value object has the following properties. NOTE: All properties are optional. Default values will be used if not set explicitly.

Property Name Description Type Default Value
Name The name of the value. String Empty String
Description A description of the value. String Empty String
Value A Bit value. BitValue 0b0
Width Width in Bits. Number 0
  • ReadWrite (Default)
    A value got by a bus read operation and set by a bus write operation (e.g., when accessing Register or Loopback bitfields).
  • Read
    A value only got by a bus read operation (e.g., when reading Transparent or ReadTransparentWriteRegister bitfields).
  • Write
    A value only set by a bus write operation (e.g., when writing Transparent or ReadTransparentWriteRegister bitfields).
ValueBehaviour ValueBehaviour.ReadWrite
Version Version information (e.g. v1, 0.0.1) String Empty String


The reset object describes a reset that can be applied to an enum, data, or reserved object.


namespace Eccelerators.HxS.Docs
    interface ExampleInterface
        Name = "Example Interface";
        Description = "
            This is an interface describing a single block and a
            single register.
        Blocks = [ExampleBlock];

    block ExampleBlock
        Name = "Example Block";
        Description = "This is a block describing a single register.";
        Registers = [ExampleRegister];

    register ExampleRegister
        Name = "Example Register";
        Description = "
            This is an example of a register that has two bit
            fields; an enum and data bit field. It is a readable
            and writeable register. The size of the register is
            determined by the sum of the size of both bit fields.
        Bits = [

    data ExampleDataBitField
        Name = "Example Data Bit Field";
        Description = "An data bit field having a single reset signal.";
        Width = 1;
        Resets = [ExampleReset];

    enum ExampleEnumBitField
        Name = "Example Enum Bit Field";
        Description = "An enum bit field having a single reset signal.";
        Values = {
            0b0: "Off",
            0b1: "On"
        Resets = [ExampleReset];

    reset ExampleReset
        Name = "Example Reset";
        Description = "
            This reset object determines the value of a
            corresponding field if the reset is asserted.
        Value = 0b0;

The reset object has the following properties. NOTE: All properties are optional. Default values will be used if not set explicitly.

Property Name Description Type Default Value
Name The name of the reset. String Empty String
Description A description of the reset. String Empty String
Async Determines whether its an asynchronous reset. Boolean True
Value Value to set for this reset. ResetValue 0b0
Width Width in Bits. Number 0
  • ReadWrite (Default)
    A reset value is set in Register or Loopback bitfields with this reset and is read back when reading the bitfield after this reset.
  • Read
    This has no effect in hardware but may serve as a hint that the user logic sets this value with this reset. However, it will be provided in generated C-Headers and other related files.
  • Write
    A reset value is set in WriteRegister or ReadTransparentWriteRegister bitfields. For all other bitfields, this has no effect in hardware but may serve as a hint that the user logic sets this value with this reset. However, it will be provided in generated C-Headers and other related files.
ResetBehaviour ResetBehaviour.ReadWrite
Version Version information (e.g. v1, 0.0.1) String Empty String


The Select object specifies an additional "Chip Select"-like feature, enabling HxS to determine, alongside the address lines, if a block or register is addressed and operational at a given time.


namespace Eccelerators.HxS.Docs
    interface ExampleInterface
        Name = "Example Interface";
        Description = "
            This is an interface describing a single block and a
            single register.
        Blocks = [ExampleBlock];

    block ExampleBlock
        Name = "Example Block";
        Description = "This is a block describing a single register.";
        Registers = [ExampleRegister];

    register ExampleRegister
        Name = "Example Register";
        Description = "
            This is an example of a register that uses a select
            signal. Writing to the register is only possible when
            the select signal is asserted.
        Selects = [ExampleSelect];

    select ExampleSelect
        Name = "Example Select";
        Description = "Select on write.";
        Behaviour = SelectBehaviour.Write;

The select object has the following properties. NOTE: All properties are optional. Default values will be used if not set explicitly.

Property Name Description Type Default Value
Name The name of the select. String Empty String
Description A description of the select. String Empty String

Blocks and registers may have select signals. This property defines when the select signal affects access to its corresponding block or register. The available options are:

  • ReadWrite (Default)
    The select signal affects access to a block or register when reading from or writing to it.
  • Read
    The select signal affects access to a block or register only when reading from it.
  • Write
    The select signal affects access to a block or register only when writing to it.
SelectBehaviour SelectBehaviour.ReadWrite
Version Version information (e.g. v1, 0.0.1) String Empty String